• To provide clear strategy for the Data Mining Lab.
• Understand business/customer needs and industry trends; simplify strategy into specific actions, make decisions, and communicate priorities.
• Drive program/project execution and solution transition to the Business while also contributing technically to program/projects. Meeting committed schedules, deliverables, and budgets.
• Developing Minimally Viable Products (MVP) to show continuous progress and relevance to Business.
• Communicate value proposition, influence at Senior Levels.
• Demonstrate impact and leadership capability to the key stakeholder thereby secure funding for the Lab.
• Recruit top talent, mentor and coach team members; Energize and lead the team towards high value outputs; Staff interdisciplinary teams by drawing appropriate resources from across organization; Lead cross-functional global teams.
• Develop networks in the businesses, with external commercial customers, and with Academia and External Research Partners. Work closely with fellow Managers Globally, Technology Leaders and Business Leadership. Use all of the inputs in developing high value Research/Advanced Technology Proposals/Solutions.
• Represent well-known forums (Conference, Seminars Workshops, etc).
key Skills :
Machine Learning, Search, Pattern Recognition, Text mining, Unstructured Data Management and Mining, Big Data